Morningside Neighbourhood
Watch (NHW3) are hosting a FREE Cyber
Crime Information Evening aimed at parents, teachers and carers.
Partnering with ThinkUKnow, a
joint community program with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Microsoft,
together with representatives from Suncorp and our local QPS branches, we will be providing
constructive and practical information
on the possible dangers and concerns that our young people might face as they navigate
their way in a more complex on line world. The evening is aimed at all adults
who might like to know more about cyber safety and some of the pitfalls, on us, and particularly
our children, as they go about their day to day internet activities.
We hope to see you there. Register at door.
Morningside Services Club, 481 Wynnum Road, Morningside,
QLD 4170
Thursday, May 30,
at 7:00pm
For more information, and/or to book a spot, please call
Bill Pixton, 0418 113643, or email